Frumuseţea este

Leapșa alfabetică

Am furat o leapșa, din lipsă de ocupație.

- Available: Yup
- Age: Almost 17
- Annoyance: Prostia.Superficialitatea.

- Allergic: Praf, pisici, migdale
- Animal: Horses

- Actor: Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman

- Beer: No beer please.
- Birthday/Birthplace: 10 August 1994/Mangalia
- Best Friends: A, Ș, J.
- Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes, lips, skin
- Best feeling in the world: Știi sentimentul acela pe care îl ai când s-a terminat școala și îți dai seama brusc că e vara și că ai trei luni la dispoziție să faci ce vrei, dar nu ai nici cea mai vagă idee cu ce sa incepi?
- Blind or Deaf: Blind.Kind of sexy.
- Best weather: Middle of the summer
- Been in Love: Kind of.
- Number: 7

- Overused Phrases: "Te looooog" , " ;)) " "Meow!" , "Ești pufos!"
- One wish: Summer
- One phobia: No phobias

- Place you’d like to live: Sydney, Australia

- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
Q- Quail: What's that?

- Questionnaires: Maybe.

- Reason to cry: De ciudă.

- Reality T.V.: Life after people
- Radio Station: Europa F.M.
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: O.O Aaa?Guess so ...

- Song: No song right now, but ... Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley
- Shoe size: 37-38
- Sushi: Nupz.Dar mi-ar place.
- Skipped school: Never ^^"

- Slept outside: Kind of.
- Seen a dead body?: Yup.Nothing interesting.
- Smoked?: Never.

- Skinny dipped?: Aaa ... No.Not really.

- Shower daily?: 'Course
- Sing well?: XD Never ever!
- In the shower?: Nupz.
- Swear?: Sometimes.But not too bad ...

- Stuffed Animals?: They're cute ^^
- Single/Group dates: Both

- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries!
- Scientists need to invent: Time Machine! ^^

- Time for bed: 12 p.m.
- Thunderstorms: Love them ^^
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: Is that even possible? O.O

- Unpredictable: Most of the time

- Under the influence?: What influence?
- Understanding?: Yup
- Vegetable you hate: Brocoli XD Și spanac.
- Vegetable you love: Roșiile! ^^
- Vacation spot: All around the world

- Weakness: Mă gâdiiiiil ^^''
- When you grow up: I wanna become a plastic surgeon ^^
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: None of them.

- Who makes you laugh the most: Ș and J.
- Worst feeling: Deziluziile.
- Wanted to be a model?: When I was 9.

- Where do we go when we die: Cimitir.

- Worst weather: Zilele în care nu apare soarele ...
- Walk with a book on your head?: When I was little

- X-Rays: Once or twice.

-Year it is now: 2011
-Yellow: What about yellow?I don't really like it.

- Zoo animal: Leopard.
- Zodiac sign: Leu

1. Slept in a bed beside you?: Aaa ... asta rămâne secret >.>
2. Last person to see you cry?: Can't remember.Don't wanna remember.
3. Went to the movies with you?: Ș.
4. You went to the mall with?: S. and A.
5. You went to dinner with?: No idea.
6. You talked to on the phone?: Ș.
7. Made you laugh?: J. made me smile today ^^

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